Story submitted 8/23/96
by Julien DAG SandraThaxter.Notes

"New Local"

I`m french and I live in America for this year(summer1996/summer1997) exactly in a little town near the ocean called NEWBURYPORT in the MASSACHUSETTS. In France, I live in the south: in BRITANY. It's at the north of Biarritz, it's the "nose of the France territory". There is some waves many days in the years but their size is every the time different. When I was in Britany, I did surfing with a surf-board and before with a waves-ski (or special kayak-surf). But when I arrived in the USA, I had gone to the beach and I spoke with a really nice lifeguard who said me that there is sometime some waves here. Other people said me that, in winter there are nices waves; so I'm going to buy a board for surfing here.

If you want to answer me or just say something about your country, send me a word on my internet address.

Thank you for reading my letter.

JULIEN, a french student who live in the USA .

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